√ How to Apply Buzzcity and Post Buzzcity Ads (Full Picture Guide)

Alladsnetwork.web.id - In this post I will share about how to register and install Buzzcity ads (full picture guide).For now, there are so many advertising sites that are vying to give the best waiter to internet users in the world to be their publisher. Not even a few who dare to offer high paid to each publisher so that their ads can be used and promote on your website. But what power, not all advertising sites can last long with fierce competition that occurs between ad network sites. Even the originally always faithful and timely in the payment, even doing fraudulent actions or commonly called a scam. Now the most common cause of scam action is often done an advertising network is because the amount of expenditure from the income received by the advertising network itself.

Well so essentially you should be more selective in choosing an advertising network, so that later you do not regret because cheated and certainly not paid by KW advertising site. Okay! Here I will share info one of the advertising that until now still loyal to pay publishernya. The advertising site I'm talking about is buzzcity, buzzcity is the best and trusted mobile network advertisement site. Well for more details, please you can see more explanation about the following buzzcity.

What is Buzzcity?

Buzzcity is a london advertising network specializing their ads for mobile devices. Buzzcity was launched since 1999 as a private company International Mobilewebadz registered in Singapore. The company is privately owned by mobads group as a 100% owned subsidiary of the global mobilewebadz Ltd, headquartered in London, UK highway. (Source; http: //www.buzzcity.com/about)

For buzzcity ad networks itself offers brand owners (advisters) and agencies can access to the publisher's global display network. As a leading international advertising website, Buzzcity has developed an in-depth knowledge of mobile consumers and provides marketers with a clear opportunity to reach many Internet users through advertising programs and publishers. The buzzcity advertising network also offers an opportunity for publishers, developers, and owners of mobile media properties to fund (capitalize) their traffic through mobile internet advertising from this buzzcity. (Source; http: //www.buzzcity.com/about)

Buzzcity is a trusted mobile advertising based on PPC (Pay Per Click), and also CPM (Cost Per Mile). As you know, PPC-based advertising is an advertising program that will pay you when the ads you publish are clicked by visitors or are paid for at a minimum. The fee offered buzzcity for each click action that occurs about $ 0.01 - $ 0.05 depending on the residence of visitors who do click action against the ads that you publish on your website.

Not only PPC, buzzcity also offers CPM based advertising, but CPM on different buzzcity. If on other sites CPM means paid per 1000 impressions or impressions, then for buzzcity CPM means paid per 10,000 impression. CPM buzzcity ads also apply only to ad serving on mobile waraknat only. Well if your website is accessed via desktop, then ad serving of buzzcity is not considered or roughly not counted / paid.

Pros and Cons of buzzcity

Certainly for a network ads or advertising network has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as this buzzcity still can not be said perfect advertising network because it still has shortcomings that can be considered as a good image destroyer of advertising itself. Well here are some advantages and disadvantages of buzzcity.

# Advantages
  • Proven to pay
  • Easy registration
  • Adsense alternative
  • Filter height
  • CPM earnings
  • PO via paypal, webmoney, wire transfer
# Deficiency
  • Minimum PO $ 200
  • 30 days payment process
  • The only 1 ad format is banner
  • Not providing referral program
  • Can not be installed on sites that include blacklist policy

Buzzcity Ads

As I've mentioned above, that buzzcity offers only 1 ad format, ie banner ads. The types of ads that buzzcity offers are image ads and text ads, which are of course relevant and comfortable to look at on your website. For text ads itself is a type of ad that gives you the opportunity to get bigger clicks. Why? Because most visitors will see and read the text on the ad and make visitors will feel curious to continue reading it. Well so this ad is perfect for you to use on your website as a means of monetizing the best website.

How to sign up for the latest Buzzcity

Well after you know what is buzzcity, next is the registrar stage. To register in buzzcity is arguably easy, because there are no special requirements set by the buzzcity to every prospective new publisher. So essentially you can register a website that is still new which of course is still minimal content, because the visitor would be accepted (approved) the buzzcity. But before you register you are required to have a website (blog / wap), email address , and also online account account like paypal .

Well for more details, please see explanation how to register buzzcity more details below:

1. First of all, please visit the official website www.buzzcity.com

2. On the main buzzcity page, please click the sign up button in the top right corner of the buzzcity page.

3. Next you will be taken into the registration registrar buzzcity, please fill in all registration columns correctly (real) and as instructed.
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Cara Mendaftar Buzzcity dan Pasang Iklan Buzzcity (Panduan Lengkap Bergambar)

Here's the filling guide:
  • Account name >> Fill in your username * Fill with no spaces
  • Password >> Fill in the password you want * Password must contain lowercase, uppercase and number, eg pe2s1B4ndunG
  • Confirm password >> Re-fill with the password you previously input
  • Company name >> Fill in the name of your company / tittle website
  • Company address >> Fill with your company address * Just enter the name of the city where you live
  • Company url >> Fill with the url of your website
  • Business description >> Fill with a description of the content your blog has to offer
  • Name >> Fill in your full name
  • Email address >> Fill with your email address * Make sure the email address you input is valid / active
  • Country >> Choose INDONESIA if you love INDONESIA
  • Telephone >> Fill with your phone number * can be replaced with hp number if you do not have home phone
  • Mobille telephone >> Fill in your phone number
  • Verify code >> Fill in the verification code contained in the image above the column
  • I want to sign up as a >> Check the publisher, if you want to publish bizzcity ads
  • Finally click the sign up now button
4. Next there will be pengitahun as in the picture below, well please click on the sentence click here to continue the registration process
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5. Then you will enter the dashboard buzzcity, on the dashboard there is a notice like in the picture below. Which means you please open your email to do activation buzzcity account, because the buzzcity party has sent a verification link to your email.

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6. Well if you already understand, please open the email you have registered and then click the verification link contained in the email. Here's an example of an email that buzzcity sent me.

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7. After you click on the activation link, then there will be a notice from the buzzcity that the email you registered has been successfully verified. Next please click the button login to buzzcity to enter your buzzcity account dashboard.

8. Well on your buzzcity dashboard, please click on the get started as publisher to get into your publisher experience.

Cara Mendaftar Buzzcity dan Pasang Iklan Buzzcity (Panduan Lengkap Bergambar)

9. In terms of publisher, there will be a registration form about the website you will use to place ads from this buzzcity. So please you fill your website data correctly, because this will affect the ads that will be displayed on your website.

Cara Mendaftar Buzzcity dan Pasang Iklan Buzzcity (Panduan Lengkap Bergambar)

The following charging instructions:
  • Site URL >> Fill with url from your website * Usually already filled by default
  • Site category >> Choose by category (niche / content) from the website you registered
  • Traffic type >> Choose the most visited search system on your website
  • Click on the countinue button to continue the next step

10. Next you will enter the page publisher setting, this publisher page aims to set the category / product of any ad that can be displayed on your website. So please choose your own category / product of any ad that is eligible to display on your website.

Cara Mendaftar Buzzcity dan Pasang Iklan Buzzcity (Panduan Lengkap Bergambar)

11. Well if it is finished set the category / or product ads, please click the save changes button to deviate changes.

Note: For this publisher settings page, you can change these ad settings at any time.

Well until this eleventh stage, you have successfully created your buzzcity account in other words you have become one of the publisher of buzzcity. Well the next step you are doing is doing advertising on your website. This is so you can start collecting dollar coins from buzzcity.

How to install Buzzcity ads on blogspot platform

After successfully creating a buzzcity account, the next step is to install an ad from buzzcity. How ad pemaan also practically easy and simple, in just a few steps you can already serve ads from this buzzcity on your website. The ad type of buzzcity is a banner ad with size 728 x 90 pixels (Leaderboard). So it is advisable to put this ad on the leaderboard / banner up or down on your blogspot layout.

Well here I just explain how to advertise on blog website by using blogspot platform. This ads can be installed on any website, eg wapka music, wordpess, etc. But because I have never tried it, then here I just explain how to install on blogspot only.

Okay! Just follow the following way buzzcity advertising on blogspot platform:

1. First of all please login to dashboard buzzcity> tab publisher> ad codes.

2. On the ad codes page, please copy all the buzzcity ad script code in the ad tag column.
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3. Next paste the script code on the banner / leaderboard / sidebar your blogspot, by login dasboard blogger> layout> add banner / leaderboard / sidebar> paste buzzcity ad script code> save.

4. Next please see your buzzcity ads have been successfully installed on your blog. Please click HERE to see examples of blogs showing buzzcity ads on top and bottom leaderboards, and also on the right sidebar.

Well that's how the advertising of buzzcity this on blogspot, you can install more than one banner of this ad on your website to mengoptinll of your income from buzzcity. Well next you just wait for the coffers of dollars to flow into your buzzcity account.

How to payout Buzzcity balance

Well maybe here be the biggest weakness of this buzzcity. Why? Because buzzcity provides a very high minimum payout (very high), ie $ 200 for once payout. Minimum payout is even higher than the minimum payout set google adsense that is only for $ 100. This also makes a lot of bloggers (beginners) to be hesitant to use this buzzcity, because with a minimum payout sebasar it, you can imagine how long you have to wait to be able to make the first payout from buzzcity. Especially if the blog that you list is still minimal visitors, of course it takes several months even years to be able to do the first PO.

More damning again, if within 36 months of your buzzcity balance never reach $ 200, then your buzzcity account will be disabled and the balance that has been accumulated will be credited kepenerbit paypal account as predicted association buzzcity center. In the sense that the balance buzzcity will go into your paypal account balance, and will be canceled if your paypal account has not been input.

In buzzcity, you can payout via wire transfer (bank transfer), via webmoney, and also via paypal. The payment process itself takes about 1 month after you make a payment request.

Well here's how to payout or request payment from buzzcity:

1. Make sure the balance you have collected reaches $ 200

2. Next please go to home> my account details.

3. On my accouct details page, make sure the data you input pasa when registration is correct. And in the payment infortemation (for publisher) dialog box, please select your payment method, and complete the data from the payment method you wish to select.
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4. Next please drag your cursor down to see the link contact us dar buzzcity, continue by clicking the contact us link. For more details see the picture below.
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5. Well on the contact us page, please send your payment request message as shown below.
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Here's a contact us for the first pail request from buzzcity:
Dear support,
I am request for 1st payment. My publisher id XXXXXX
Then you just wait for the payment process from buzzcity which approximately takes approximately one month after you make request / request payment.